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How do I update and change my site?
To update and change your site you use your CMS or Content Mangement system that should of been built into your website.
If you dont know what a CMS is then please click here for a detailed look at what a CMS is and how it can help your website.
For more information please contact us at IMS Consulting today for a free and friendly chat on how we can help you to improve your online marketing poteintial, reduce your costs, increase your efficiency and help you to create an online prescence that is successful.

Click here to take a look at our Client Portfolio

Are you looking for a website that you can update your information as and when you like? Do you have to contact your design company to do the changes for you that take forever to complete? If so please read more about the AWICS project that we have recently competed.

We have just launched a new website package with one of Cumbria's leading physiotherapy clinics, North Lakes Physiotherapy.